Saturday, August 9, 2008

Mia's Top Ten Marital Bliss List

This evening my darling husband & I shared a romantic meal over candlelight, reminiscing the past 8 years while our wonderful neighbors cared for the 2 angelic fruits of our love. It was very sweet.

Earlier this afternoon I went to a bridal shower. There the hostess asked us to offer our advice to the Bride-elect for making a marriage work. That was comical!

Last night there was a wedding between 2 people that seemed full of all the most wonderful plans for a future full of nothing but joyful marital bliss. The groom & his attendants had ties & cumberbunds in their favorite team colors & the "favors" that they gave away were cups & shakers (pom-poms) of said favorite team. That reception was a hoot!

With all the nuptial love in the air, I thought I'd lay out the top 10 things that I have found make a marriage "work". Now we have only been married 8 years so we're still relatively newly-wed, but we have faced some tough stuff together. We've come out stronger & more determined to last through the ages.

I hope these thoughts help you keep your marriage at the top of your priority list.

10. Never say "always" or "never". Rarely does one ever do a thing "always" or "never". Give your spouse the benefit of the doubt.

9. Fight fair. The Bible says that love "keeps no record of wrongs". Keep the discussion on topic. Don't dredge up past failures or misunderstandings. No below the belt hits.

8. Arguments should have resolution as their goal, not "winning". Don't try to punish or "one-up" your spouse in an argument. Everyone loses that way.

7. Find something you share passionately OUTSIDE the bedroom.

6. Laugh often.

5. Enjoy your spouse & accept their weaknesses. We're all sinners in need of grace.

4. Sex...need I say more?

3. Your marriage is between you & your spouse, not your mother, best friend's cousin's neighbor's dog groomer. Don't let someone else's opinion of your spouse sour your relationship. Let the truth reign in your heart & home.

2. Your marriage is not about you...or your spouse. Marriage is supposed to represent the relationship that Christ has with His church. Jesus doesn't gripe & grumble or complain or nag us into following him. Neither does He respond to that from His church.

1. Keep your focus on God. God's love is like a magnet that naturally & un-oppressively draws you to your spouse. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness".

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