Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fa, lala, la, la, lala, la, laaaaaaa...

Wow...It's the middle of December already...Where did this year go? Christmas parties to attend, gingerbread houses to make then eat, decorations to install, gifts to buy & receive, cards to send...Such a run-up to the New Year. It's quite exhausting, really.

Now is the time to break out in song while pushing your way through the hoard of anxious shoppers. What IS the "it" toy this year anyway? I don't have a clue so I'm sure my kids won't be getting it...the horror!

Oh well, at least they will have the love and adoration of their parents, grandparents and Aunt & Uncle.

Merry Christmas, ya'll.

Now, where's that Sweet-Potato Casserole??!