Monday, August 18, 2008

Rr is for Room MOM!

Well, school started last Monday (hence the absence of my blog entries for the past week...). Both of my girls started and I get to realize my life-long dream of being a "Room Mom". Yippie!

So far, I've sorted 9 billion pages of soon-to-be-completed 3 & 4 years old school work, filled out menus on 2 mornings & dropped off 30 paper sacks that were generously donated by the neighborhood Cracker Barrel. And that was week one. This is GREAT!!

Maybe I'm crazy, but I just LOVE being able to help folks, even in the tiniest ways. Now I get the chance to help AND spy on my kids. What could be better!??

Ok, I need to go. I have a fresh stack of pages to sort, then I suppose I should feed these 3...Ah...I love my life.

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