Have you ever wanted something so badly that you kept asking God for it, even after you felt He had said, "Not now, my child"?
I am in that same boat today. I want something of which it seems that God has told me "just wait". Oh, I've placed it in His hands numerous times. Then I've walked away with eyes-squinted shut so I wouldn't turn around & rush back to grab it up again. Constantly reassuring myself of the truth that "He makes everything beautiful in its time." Only, quite often I seem to find myself crawling into the room and petting the desire from a crouched position, growing more boldly until I've actually taken it back in my hands & danced around the room with it.
So what to do? How do I wait in quiet contentment? Honestly? I don't know. But for now I am going to think on commendable things and know that God never keeps anything from me that is good for me, without a perfect reason - one I, more than likely, could not possible understand.
So if you are in this group with me, beloved, raise your right hand to your heart, close your eyes and as you unclench the fist you've made over your "something", repeat after me: "Father God, I trust Your sovereignty over ___(whatever you're holding onto)_______. Not my will, but Thy will. Be it unto me according to Your will and my faith. In Your perfect timing, make it all beautiful. Amen"
Now join me as I sing, "Blessed Assurance", for what more do we really need but Jesus?