Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I was driving to church this evening listening to some talk radio. The commentator was discussing all the perils of the current crises & those that will come unless the tide is changed...quickly. I was saddened by the state of my country & the careless indignity of my countrymen.

What have we become? Spoiled and arrogant children in need of a good spanking.

So many think our most pressing need seems to be free healthcare, more money in our pockets that we may or may not have worked to get and anything else the government is willing to give away. But it's not. We need Jesus...nothing more. The Bible tells us that He will supply all our needs.

The problem is deeper than what is left of my 401k. It goes to the heart of who I really am, first & foremost - a child of THE Living God. We are breaking - have broken, His heart and it should bother us.

His love is greater than any stimulus package and more complete than any government program.

Jesus is ... enough.

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