Ok, this is my first experience with blogging. Please bear with me as I fumble my way through the ins & outs of the blogosphere.
Where to start? Where to start? I suppose a brief introduction to me & my reasons for creating this blog would be a pretty good place to start. Well, here goes the briefiest intro I can do:
I am a sort-of-stay-at-home Mom of 2 little girls. I say "sort of" because I'm not sure how one could call themselves "stay-at-home" when that is just about the last place one in that capacity ends up on a given day. Oh dear, 10 minutes into creating my first blog & I've already begun to spiral beyond the point. Ok, back on track - I've had an idea for writing a book entitled, To See His Face, for several years but since I lack the courage to actually put my stuff out there & get smacked with the unavoidable rejections that accompany first-time authors, I chose the weasel-weblog way out. Well, that & I haven't actually finished writing it...
Why is it named "To see His face"? My favorite Scripture is Revelation 22:4a, "And they shall see His face...". I can not imagine a more beautiful moment in my existence than the moment I see God. As any of my friends would agree, I am one flighty dame. In my profoundly inadequate human way, each day I try to be, live & love in such a way that when I do experience that moment, I will have a crown or 2 to cast at His feet. Sometimes I hit that stride where I can feel the rush of angels wings, but more times than not, my arrow falls way short of the mark & I'm left wondering why God would forgive me yet again as I stumble & fall, sometimes into the same snares He lifted me out of a day before. Then, I'm reminded that it isn't anything I earn. It's something I accept. Life isn't about me. It's about Him. Then I can get up one more time.
This is my humble attempt to honor His name and to search out His truth. So without further ado, I present to you, my blog. Please feel free to post questions or comments. I look forward to the journey with you.
Dear Jesus, I only want to honor you. Please bless the words of my lips & sacrifices of my praise to your glory. Amen.
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