My grandfather was in the hospital Sunday & Monday. I was going to visit him on Monday. Since the hospital was over an hour away from my house, I thought I should take several things to occupy my time. I took a book (Don Quixote - don't ask my why I checked it out; I still have no idea, but there it is), my travel Bible (small, compact & very useful) and a drink (Diet Mt Dew because I should stay awake while I'm visiting someone in the hospital, right?).
I decide I needed one other item/amusement so I ran up to the store Sunday evening to get something else to take with me. As I searched the aisles for something to do I saw cards - no good if Pawpaw isn't feeling up to playing with me. I saw crosswords & word-finds but that seemed too involved. Then I wandered into the craft section.
There I saw a starter set, complete with 5 hooks, some marking doo-dads, a pack of some kind of I-don't-know-what-they-are's, a pair of children's needles & a book: I Taught Myself to Crochet. A-ha! I'll just learn myself to do that! Visiting a sick relative and learning a new hobby, what a talented & compassionate granddaughter I am. Everyone will be so impressed.
My relatives, however, were not as supportive as I'd hoped when I told them I was going to try to make my friend a hooded baby Thursday....My uncle Robert laughed & said, "Sure. You'll get that done in no time, right?"
My uncle Marcus giggled a bit, but was at least not completely disapproving of the idea of my at least trying.
My grandfather, for whom I had travelled 75 miles to comfort mind you!, just smiled & said, "Sure you can..."
Traitors, the lot! Well I showed them, hmphf! Lay your eyes on this fine piece of artistic tapestry...

Ok, so maybe I won't get the blanket done. But it does make a lovely bookmark, don't you agree? :o)
My grandfather is fine, by the way. He was released from the hospital with a satisfactory report of "everything's normal". Thank you, Jesus.
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